T-SQL Formatters


August 6, 2018 by Kenneth Fisher

The other day I was given a truly horribly formatted piece of SQL. Something a bit like this only worse, and with plenty of dynamic SQL.

CREATE TRIGGER [Sales].[iduSalesOrderDetail] ON [Sales].[SalesOrderDetail] 






    DECLARE @Count int;

    SET @Count = @@ROWCOUNT;

    IF @Count = 0 



    SET nocount on;


    begin try
-- If inserting or updating these columns
IF update([ProductID]) OR UPDATE([OrderQty]) or Update([UnitPrice]) OR update([UnitPriceDiscount]) 
-- Insert record into TransactionHistory
    INSERT into [Production].[TransactionHistory]















                inserted.[ProductID]        ,inserted.[SalesOrderID]




                ,'S',GETDATE()                ,inserted.[OrderQty]




FROM inserted 


INNER join [Sales].[SalesOrderHeader] 


ON inserted.[SalesOrderID] = [Sales].[SalesOrderHeader].[SalesOrderID];
            UPDATE [Person].[Person] 


            SET [Demographics].modify('declare default element namespace 




                replace value of (/IndividualSurvey/TotalPurchaseYTD)[1] 


                with data(/IndividualSurvey/TotalPurchaseYTD)[1] + sql:column ("inserted.LineTotal")')   from inserted 
                INNER JOIN [Sales].[SalesOrderHeader] AS SOH


	ON inserted.[SalesOrderID] = SOH.[SalesOrderID] INNER JOIN [Sales].[Customer] AS C


                ON SOH.[CustomerID] = C.[CustomerID]

	    WHERE C.[PersonID] = [Person].[Person].[BusinessEntityID];



        -- Update SubTotal in SalesOrderHeader record. Note that this causes the 


        -- SalesOrderHeader trigger to fire which will update the RevisionNumber.


        UPDATE [Sales].[SalesOrderHeader]


I have a hard time working with code that’s so badly formatted I can’t read it. Normally I’d just format it myself, but this was a good dozen pages long. So what did I do? I ran to twitter screaming for help.

And I got a lot of responses! Here were the recommendations followed by who recommended them:

I haven’t tested most of these but from what I understand none of them (for obvious reasons) will handle dynamic SQL and the ones I tested won’t handle the multi-line breaks. For the multi-line breaks I just did a regex search and replace, then used the formatter.

Now, as I was writing this Brent Erik Darling (b) wrote a similar post so I’m including it for completeness. Quick tips for debugging large stored procedures – See tip 1

3 thoughts on “T-SQL Formatters

  1. I don’t know if my brain doesn’t quite focus right but I find badly formatted code near impossible to read.

    • You and me both! It’s really astounding how much time I’ve spent re-formatting other people’s code. Got in trouble for it once too. They were using code versioning and of course this completely messed up their comparisons 😀

  2. […] Kenneth Fisher links to a set of T-SQL formatters: […]

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